Research the additional scholarship opportunities available at MSU. Colleges, units, and other donors have dedicated funds to support you and your interest in education abroad.
Below are links to MSU College and unit pages on information related to their specific education abroad scholarships. These are separate applications from the Office for Education Abroad.
Below are scholarship opportunities related to education abroad. Some of them have specific requirements in order to apply. Please carefully read the eligibility requirements.
Offered by the Office for Education Abroad, the MSU Passport Scholarship is available to MSU students to obtain their first passport. Having a passport not only provides the opportunity to study abroad, but also affords personal and professional benefits!
Applications will be accepted between September 15 and October 15, 2024.
Visit the MSU Passport Scholarship webpage
This award is dedicated to first-generation students who study abroad for a semester or more. The minimum award amount will be $3,000.
This scholarship is part of the Education Abroad Scholarship pool. Students will be considered for this award if they mark the checkbox "YES" that they would like to be considered for a scholarship in their program application.
The Office for Education Abroad is proud to announce a new scholarship exclusively for students transferring to Michigan State University.
As transfer students make their transition to MSU, cost and academic factors may lead them to believe that education abroad is not an option for them. Offering this scholarship eases financial concerns and allows them to consider education abroad as a possibility during their time at Michigan State.
After applying to an MSU-sponsored education abroad program, admitted incoming students transferring to Michigan State from another college or university will be considered for the $750 award. Students must mark the checkbox "YES" that they would like to be considered for a scholarship. Nothing else is required.
The Drs. Yash P. and Saroj Kapur Endowed Scholarship for Independent Study in India provides financial support for MSU students to participate in independent study in India for which they are receiving academic credit at MSU. Applicants must be MSU students with an overall GPA of 2.0 or higher at the time of application, plan to participate in an independent internship in India, arrange for credit with their MSU college, and cannot have traveled to India before the independent study or have family living in India. There may be additional eligibility criteria that students need to meet in order to receive credit.
Download the Kapur Endowed Scholarship Application (.pdf)
This award provides financial assistance to domestic students who intend to travel to developing countries for the purpose of providing technical assistance, participate in research, or engage in service. Grants are intended to support travel, related living expenses, and projects costs, not to be used as a tuition scholarship.
Visit the International Studies and Programs website
This award for doctoral students that can be used for pre-dissertation visits to a doctoral research site in a country outside the United States. International students who undertake research in the country of their origin are not eligible.
Visit the Walker Hill International Award webpage
This award helps defray travel expenses for Honors College members participating in international study programs. Preference will be given to research-focused programs, students who have not previously participated in a study abroad, and underrepresented students (financial need, vets, first generation college students, etc.).
Visit JOHN A & IRMA L BENSCHOP INT'L on the MSU Scholarship webpage for more details.
This award provides financial support for education abroad participants who are members of organizations belonging to the National Pan-Hellenic Council.
Dr. Ethel Cormier was born in the small town of Liberty, Texas. As an undergraduate at Michigan State University, Ethel received a National Achievement Scholarship, graduating with a degree in microbiology. After furthering her education at Texas Southern University and the University of Wisconsin-Madison, she began working at Procter & Gamble on transnational projects. She lived in Japan for three years, supporting product development in the Asia region. Her work experiences taught her the high value of international and cross-cultural connectivity for personal growth and development, job achievement, and forming a healthy worldview.
Dr. Cormier hopes to support the early development of these same attributes for students who are members of organizations belonging to the National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC). Statistically, many of these students will become leaders in their fields and in their communities and broadening their global perspectives and experiences as early as possible will prove extremely beneficial. This is the goal of this endowment.
Applicants must be:
Scholarship recipients will be required to submit a letter of acceptance and appreciation of the award within six weeks of receiving the scholarship.
Recipients must participate in an MSU-sponsored program that may include internships, research, or service-learning abroad.
Preference will be given to students participating in a program that is 4 weeks or longer.
Scholarships will be $2,500 each and financial need is not taken into consideration for an award.
To apply for this scholarship, students must complete the EMC Education Abroad Endowed Scholarship form and submit the following:
If you have questions about the application process or award, contact Lynn Aguado in the MSU Office for Education Abroad.
The application deadline is March 24, 2025. All materials must be submitted to be considered for a scholarship.
Dr. Charles A. and Marjorie A. Gliozzo Endowed Scholarship for Domestic and International Internships
This award provides financial support for undergraduate MSU students to participate in approved accredited internship programs. Financial need is not a factor in awarding this scholarship. Scholarships for variable amounts ranging from $500 to $1500 will be awarded to recipients.
NOTE: The March 1 deadline includes students planning to intern abroad in the summer, fall and spring of the following year.
Dr. Charles and Marjorie Gliozzo Dissertation Research Scholarship
This award is available to MSU doctoral students with dissertation research objectives who have defended, or are in the process of defending, a dissertation proposal. The scholarship supports field research abroad in support of the student's dissertation.
Visit the Gliozzo Dissertation Research Scholarship wepage
The Education Abroad Undergraduate Research Scholarship
This award provides financial support for undergraduate MSU students to participate in approved accredited education abroad programs that have an undergraduate research component.
Visit the EA Undergrad Research Scholarship Application
(NOTE: MSU NetID and password required to access)