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Education Abroad Scholarships

Office for Education Abroad has a large collection of scholarships, many with different eligibility requirements. These scholarships are available to all MSU students and require a minimum overall 2.0 GPA and a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) on file with the MSU Office of Financial Aid, unless otherwise noted.

Between 25% and 30% of students who apply for an Office for Education Abroad Scholarship receive an award.


Current scholarships in the pool

The following awards are in the Education Abroad Scholarship Pool.

Ann and Edward Imgrund Scholarship

Charles and Marjorie Gliozzo Scholarship

Dave Durham and Ed Farnham Scholarship

Dr. Georges Jules Joyaux Memorial Fund Scholarship

  • Participation in a French-speaking country (4+ weeks)

Education Abroad Academic Merit-Based Scholarship

  • Minimum overall 3.5 GPA
  • Not applicable to First-Year Seminar or Spring Break programs
  • FAFSA not required
  • NOTE: Funds are limited and having the minimum GPA is not a guarantee of receiving the award.

Education Abroad Financial Need Scholarship

Eleanor and Charles Greenleaf Sr. Endowment Fund Scholarship

First-Gen Education Abroad Scholarship ($3,000)

  • First-generation college student
  • Participation in a semester program (13+ weeks)

Forest Akers Endowment Scholarship

  • Not Pell Grant-eligible

Gordon and Marilyn Fosburg Endowment

Heckman Scholarship for Education Abroad

Kapur Endowed Scholarship for Independent Study in India

  • Participation in an independent study in India
  • No previous travel to India

Kellogg Foundation Scholarship

  • Business, Food Science, Packaging, and Agriculture majors

Medical Student Scholarship ($500)

  • College of Human Medicine or Osteopathic Medicine student

Mehas Family Greek Heritage Endowed Scholarship

  • Participation in a program in Greece

Ms. Carol Welch Scholarships

MSU Federal Credit Union Scholarship

National Board of the MSU Alumni Association Scholarship

Professor Maria Elizabeth Kronegger Scholarship

  • Participation in a semester-length program

Richard and Elaine Bushey Endowed Scholarship

Thomas and Brigitte Huff Scholarship

  • Participation in a program in Germany

Transfer Student Scholarship ($750)

  • Admitted incoming student transferring to Michigan State from another college or university

Victor V. Henley and Agnes M. Henley Endowed Scholarship for Study Abroad

William Haupricht and Kerry Rockquemore International Internships Scholarship

  • Participation in an international internship


To apply for any scholarship in the pool, all you have to do is apply for a program before the scholarship deadline.

Within your Via Global application, mark the checkbox "YES" that you would like to be considered for a scholarship. This allows the Office for Education Abroad to access your financial aid record and consider you for all scholarships for which you are eligible. Nothing else is required.


  • First-Year Seminar Abroad programs: June 8
  • Winter Break and Spring programs: October 1
  • Spring Break programs: December 15
  • Summer programs: February 15
  • Fall and Academic Year programs: March 1


The following are typical amounts awarded for scholarships based on the term.

The number of awards and award amounts may vary depending on funding availability.

  • Spring Break: $250
  • First-Year Seminars:$250
  • Summer or Winter Break (2-12 weeks): $250-$1,000
  • Fall or Spring Semester (13-20 weeks): $500-$1,500
  • Academic Year (more than 20 weeks): $500-$1,750


Students who receive an Education Abroad Scholarship are required to provide a written testimonial and photos to show scholarship donors how much their support means and to inform future participants about the incredible opportunities abroad at Michigan State.

Guidelines for submission are as follows:

1. Include the following info at top of the page:

  • Name
  • Status (freshman, sophomore, etc.)
  • Major
  • Hometown
  • Name and location of your program

2. Testimonials should be 300-500 words (about a page) that gives us a glimpse of your time abroad. Be sure to include details: vivid, descriptive text (sights, sounds, smells, and tastes), humor, enthusiasm, surprise, etc.

  • How did your experience abroad enhance your academic pursuits and career goals?
  • How did your experience abroad affect you on a personal level?
  • How did your experience abroad help you in learn or improve your ability to communicate in a non-English speaking environment?
  • What did you learn from the host culture?
  • Can you “bust a myth” about education abroad? Did you have prior ideas about what it would be like only to find out they weren’t true?
  • Does your story relate to other students? Can they see themselves in your shoes? Will it excite parents, friends, donors, alumni? Will it speak to the academic aspect of your experience?
  • Can you provide a different perspective? Are you a student from an under-represented racial or ethnic group? A first-generation college student? From a low-income family? A student with a disability?

3. Submit one photo (jpg) of yourself while abroad with your story.  You can also submit two additional photos if you like. If they contain other students but be sure you have their permission before submitting photos.

Story and photos should be sent to abroad(at) as attachments within 30 days of your return.  Please do not send embedded files or SharePoint links.

By submitting your testimonial, you will be giving the Office for Education Abroad permission to use your story and photo(s) in various marketing activities (publications, website, social media, etc.) for the purpose of promoting education abroad at Michigan State University.

NOTE: Photos that violate MSU’s health insurance policy (skydiving, hang-gliding, bungee-jumping) will not be accepted.
