The host institution is the university or affiliated partner that you attended during your time abroad.
The most common reasons why a transcript is being held include:
You are encouraged to check with your host institution before you leave to clarify what is needed to have your academic transcript sent back to Michigan State.
When your transcript arrives, the Office for Education Abroad will check it for completeness, verify a Course Approval Form has been completed, and the courses on your transcript match your Course Approval Form.
Receiving a transcript can take some time to arrive. The average time to receive a transcript is 3 to 4 months after the program has ended. Some could arrive earlier and some can take longer. Consult your host institution if you’d like clarification on how long it takes for your transcript to be issued.
When everything is complete, materials will be sent to the Office of the Registrar so they can process the transcript and enter the credits and approved MSU course codes in their system.
It typically takes about 3 months after your program has ended for the credits to show up on your MSU student record. Depending on when your transcript arrives, the process can take as little as 4 weeks or more than 6 months for some programs.
If you have questions about the process, send an email to .
The most common reason for a delay in credit processing is incomplete course approvals. If this is the case, staff from the Office for Education Abroad will reach out to you.
It is also possible that the official academic transcript has not arrived or sent to the wrong office. Please make sure to update your host institution on where the transcript should be sent to avoid unnecessary delays.
While your unofficial transcript list courses and grades from your host institution in the transfer course section, the grades will not affect your MSU grade point average.
Courses evaluated as transfer credit come to MSU as credits-only as long as you’ve earned the equivalent of a 2.0 grade. Grade and Credit Conversion charts can be viewed on the Education Abroad Partner Programs webpage on the Office of the Registrar’s website.
Grades for transfer credit courses will NOT be included on your official MSU transcript. Some places like graduate schools, other universities or employers may require you to submit an official transcript for all host institutions attended to still have the ability to review grades for any transfer courses. In those instances, you should work your host institution to have an official transcript sent.
If you did not participate in an MSU-sponsored program, you need to work with the Office of Admissions and the Office of the Registrar for guidance on how to proceed. To start the process, please contact your academic adviser at Michigan State.