International Studies & Programs

AAP welcomes new cohort of African Futures Research Leadership scholars

Ten scholars from across the AAP consortium are embarking on yearlong program

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Published: Monday, 10 Feb 2025 Author: Justin Rabineau

Alliance for African Partnership (AAP), a consortium of ten leading African universities, Michigan State University (MSU), and a network of African research institutes, is excited to announce the fifth cohort of the African Futures Research Leadership Program. Each early career scholar is paired with faculty mentors from MSU and their home institution for one year to strengthen research skills, innovations in teaching, writing of scholarly and/or policy publications, dissemination of research results and grant proposals.  

A consortium-wide initiative, the African Futures program is designed to strengthen the capacity of a cadre of African researchers to return to their home institutions and become scientific leaders in their community, establish long-term partnerships with MSU faculty, co-create innovative solutions to Africa’s challenges, and in turn become trainers of the next generation of researchers. This program aims to address the gender gap in Africa, where only 30% of researchers are women, so scholars are women, or men who can demonstrate they are committed to support efforts towards gender equity in higher education institutions in Africa.  

This year’s scholars are: 

Mang'era Clarence Maikuri 
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 
Egerton University 
Home Mentor - Ondigo Bartholomew 
MSU Mentor – Edward Walker, Dept of Entomology 
Alfdaniels Mabingo 
Performing Arts and Film 
Makerere University 
Home Mentor - Sylvia Antonia Nakimera Nannyonga-Tamusuza 
MSU Mentor – Joanna Bosse, Dept of Ethnomusicology and Dance Ethnography & Gianina Strother, African American and African Studies 
Gladys Gakenia Njoroge 
Pharmacy Practice and Public Health 
United States International University – Africa 
Home Mentor - Calvin A. Omolo 
MSU Mentor - Yuehua Cui, Dept of Statistics and Probability 
Seynabou Sene 
Plant Biology 
University Cheikh Anna Diop 
Home Mentor - Abdala Gamby Diedhiou 
MSU Mentor - Lisa Tiemann, Dept of Plant, Soil, and Microbial Sciences 
Portia T. Loeto 
Educational Foundations (Gender Studies Section) 
University of Botswana 
Home Mentor - Godi Mookode 
MSU Mentor - Soma Chauduri, Dept of Sociology 
Betina Lukwambe 
Aquaculture Technology 
University of Dar es Salaam 
Home Mentor – Samwel Mchele Limbu 
MSU Mentor - Abigail Bennett, Dept of Fisheries and Wildlife & Maria Claudia Lopez, Dept of Community Sustainability 
Ezinne Ezepue 
Theatre & Film Studies 
University of Nigeria, Nsukka 
Home Mentor - Chinenye Amonyeze 
MSU Mentor - Jeff Wray, Dept of English 
Assilah Agigi 
Business Management 
University of Pretoria 
Home Mentor - Alex Antonites 
MSU Mentor - Sriram Narayanan, Dept of Supply Chain Management 
Miriam Nthenya Kyule 
Agricultural Education and Extension 
Egerton University 
Home Mentor - Miriam Karwitha Charimbu 
MSU Mentor - Susan Wyche, Dept of Media and Information Studies 
Asha Nalunga 
Agribusiness and Natural Resource Economics 
Makerere University 
Home Mentor - Bernard Bashaasha 
MSU Mentor - Saweda Liverpool-Tasie, Dept of Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics 
“We were extremely impressed with the quality and diversity of applications we received for this cohort of the African Futures program. We are excited to build on the successes of past cohorts and continue to evolve this program as we support the next generation of African research leaders,” said Jose Jackson-Malete, co-director of the Alliance for African Partnership. 

The scholars will begin their work in February 2025 virtually, then spend the fall semester at Michigan State University working closely with their MSU mentor. They will then complete the rest of their year back at their home institution, culminating in a research showcase to share the research they’ve done. Partnerships between mentors and mentees are expected to continue beyond the end of the program and lead to sustainable collaboration and future funding opportunities. 

For more information, visit the Alliance for African Partnership website.

Tags: Africa