International Studies & Programs

Don’t be nervous

In my experience, it was easy to adapt to the new setting and I didn’t feel nearly as nervous about being away from home as I expected.

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Published: Monday, 10 Feb 2025 Author: Victoria Dixon

Victoria wearing an MSU sweatshirt kneeling next to a cheetahMy experience in South Africa allowed me the opportunity to have hands-on experience related to the degree I am pursuing. This showed me that I truly do want to pursue zoology now that I have had the chance to experience working in the field. I had never been anywhere out of the country, so this was an exciting opportunity. I learned a lot about myself as a person by traveling abroad alone. It also put into perspective the world I live in at home. I was able to see that there is so much more out there to experience in my field.

At Running Wild, the employees spoke English very well. However, it was interesting to hear them speak the native language Afrikaans to each other. I was able to appreciate a new culture by listening to their language.

During my time in South Africa, I learned from the employees at Running Wild about how much hard work goes into conservation. They worked tirelessly, even in unpleasant weather, to provide the best environment for the animals at the reserve.

One thing I thought would be true for studying abroad would be that the new environment would be so different, and it would be hard to adapt to being away from home. However, in my experience, it was easy to adapt to the new setting and I didn’t feel nearly as nervous about being away from home as I expected. I know it was a common worry among students to be away from home, especially since for many of us it is our first time abroad. I think students shouldn’t let that get in the way of the opportunity to study abroad because it is not as intimidating as it seems.

I found my time abroad to really help my academic career, I was able to learn skills I wouldn’t have been able to in just a classroom. I am a first-generation college student so I never thought it would be possible to study abroad. Thanks to scholarships through Michigan State, I was able to have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that I will never forget.

Name: Victoria Dixon
Status: Junior
Major: Zoology
Hometown: Saint Joseph, Michigan
Program: Cheetah Conservation Internship in South Africa
