The hands-on, interactive classes with professors abroad, along with having the chance to work with local companies and professionals in the classroom, created a unique, enriching experience. Being one of the only Americans in my classes, I was able to collaborate with students from diverse international backgrounds, broadening my perspectives and mindset. Hearing their varied ideas, shaped by their experiences in their home countries, was inspirational and will significantly influence how I engage in future classrooms. This academic growth complemented the personal development I experienced during my time abroad.
Being in a place where I had no prior friends or family was a very difficult position at first. I had to drastically step out of my comfort zone, whether this be going up to random people in my residence to ask if they wanted to go to dinner or texting anyone's contact information I had. Despite the initial challenges, these efforts paid off. Eventually, I gained a close group of friends that I will stay in contact with for as long as possible. We shared experiences and made memories that I will cherish forever.
Name: Zoe Kreczmer
Status: Sophomore
Major: Accounting
Hometown: Royal Oak, Michigan
Program: Corvinus University of Budapest in Hungary
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