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24-Month Timeline for an Education Abroad Program Proposal

Before Submitting a Proposal

20-24 months prior to your program

1. Be aware of the program proposal deadlines

2. Familiarize yourself with larger institutional and learning contexts

  • Review proposal requirements and components
  • Attend relevant Education Abroad workshops

3. Consider logistical information

  • Dates, costs, courses, location, enrollment
  • Use of third-party provider(s) in the host country
  • Health and safety concerns

4. Consider curriculum, learning goals, and teaching philosophy

5. Consider writing up a Pre-Proposal

6. Explore available program grants

7. Meet with your college and department

  • Initiate meetings after you've written your Pre-Proposal

8. Consider a New Program Development Site Visit

  • Funds available from Education Abroad

9. Get final approval from your respective department chairs, college deans, and/or ACEA representative

10. Create a budget in collaboration with an Education Abroad Coordinator

Submitting a Full Proposal

12-18 months prior to your program

1. Fill out application form

2. Write a full proposal following the narrative instructions

3. Make sure to gather all required supporting documents

4. Submit the proposal to Education Abroad

5. Wait for review to be complete

  • This often takes about one month, but may take longer if additional health and safety concerns need to be considered

For required proposal documents and guidelines, see:

After Approval

6-12 months prior to your program

1. Finalize academic, timing, and staffing details

2. Attend a “New Program Director Orientation” workshop

3. Begin to recruit students

4. Review student applications and make acceptance decisions

5. Keep in touch with prospective and accepted participants

6. Conduct your pre-departure orientation(s)

7. Review our “Quick Tips for Leading a Successful Program”

Once your proposal is accepted

Visit the new programs page for additional steps to consider.
