Learn about our online platform, Via Global, where program information in housed and applications are submitted.
Explore how to find programs in Via Global using the program search functions.
Understand how your profile works in Via Global so you can save your favorite programs and manage your applications.
Learn how to sign-up for a Via Global account if you are NOT an MSU student and do not have a @msu.edu email address.
Explore these similar but distinct programs types that take place at one of MSU’s partner institutions abroad.
VIDEO - Direct Enroll, Exchange, & Affiliated-Partner Programs
Learn about the advantages of going abroad with an MSU faculty member.
Learn what's included in the estimated cost of a program and where to find a detailed breakdown.
Understand the financial implications if you need to withdraw from a program.
Learn about the Office for Global Health, Safety and Security and how they support MSU students, faculty and staff around the world.
Understand MSU's international travel health insurance and the International SOS membership and benefits.
Find ways to feel at ease in your new environment by preparing prior to departure and learning how to access support while abroad.
Before you leave for your program, be prepared for any emergency by understanding the proper steps to follow.
Applying for a passport and travel visas are crucial early steps in your pre-departure planning.
Things to consider for transfer students who want to participate in an education abroad program.
Be informed about accessibility and accommodations before making a final decision on a program abroad.
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