International Studies & Programs


Domestic Study Away


The Office for Education Abroad is charged with facilitating U.S.-based off-campus academic programming, known as Domestic Study Away (DSA) for all MSU colleges. Consolidating domestic academic travel into one central office ensures consistent service and support to MSU students, faculty, and staff, including services related to health, safety, and security of our Spartan travelers through the Office for Global Health, Safety and Security.


Definition of Domestic Study Away

Any program or internship sponsored by Michigan State University that is off-campus, credit-bearing, or includes co-curricular learning activities, led by MSU faculty or staff, based within the U.S. and U.S. territories and includes at least one overnight stay for which housing is provided or coordinated by the program, will be facilitated by the Office for Education Abroad.


This means if your program is....

√ Off-campus, based within the U.S. and U.S. territories,
√ Credit-bearing or co-curricular (as defined by the college),
√ Led by MSU faculty or staff, and
√ Includes at least one overnight stay for which housing is provided or coordinated by the program is REQUIRED to be facilitated by the Office for Education Abroad.

If the program does not meet all of these criteria, it is NOT required to be facilitated by Education Abroad and you do not need to fill in the form.

If the program does not meet all the criteria, but your college chooses to opt-in to having it facilitated by Education Abroad, noting the cost recovery (detailed below) would apply, you will need to fill out the form.

Service Packages and Cost Recovery

MSU colleges, departments, and/or support units offering a Domestic Study Away program must subscribe to either the “Basic” or “Comprehensive” service package for their entire portfolio of DSA programs and will be invoiced accordingly.

Basic Package

  • $130 per participant
  • Student applications managed in a centralized platform (Education Abroad’s Via Global), allowing for location tracking, alert generation and general student support
  • Registration of participants in centralized system for location, alerts, and support purposes
  • Health and safety training for program leadership
  • Access to budget template for college use
  • Verification of proof of medical insurance for all participating faculty, staff, and students
  • Risk and Security Assessment Committee vetting of potentially high-risk programs
  • Support for student conduct, Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct training, and Clery Act-related incidents and reporting

Comprehensive Package

  • $650 per participant
  • All services included in Basic Package, plus:
    • Negotiation and execution of agreements with providers of domestic study away and domestic internship programs in consultation with program directors and sponsoring colleges
    • Assistance in verifying program quality control factors
    • Full range of financial support services, to include:
      • developing a program budget and setting a program fee in consultation with program directors and the sponsoring college
      • billing of the program fee to each student's MSU account
      • managing student withdrawal penalties
      • paying program invoices as requested
      • reconciling the budget post-program and reimbursing program director expenses
    • Support to check student enrollment, student conduct records, and good academic standing
    • Facilitation of correspondence reminding students of the importance of submitting health forms to the MSU Travel Clinic
    • Student advising on Domestic Study Away options, including internships (virtual and in-person)
    • Pre-departure orientation assistance
    • Resources for returned students
    • General marketing and recruitment assistance, including the promotion of information meetings
    • Tailored program leader training
    • Assistance with preparation of information for Risk and Security Assessment Committee vetting of potentially high-risk programs
    • Workshops, events, and access to a Domestic Study Away community of practice


NOTE: Michigan State University chose to utilize the cost recovery model (specifically intended not to be a fee or program surcharge to students) for DSA for MSU colleges to compensate the Office for Education Abroad for providing these services as required by the university. The determination for how to provide that cost recovery is at the discretion of the individual colleges, departments, and/or support units.

Package Selection

If your college has not selected a package, or wishes to change their package, please submit the form below.

Domestic Study Away Package Selection *
Captcha Code

Click the image to see another captcha.

Submitting your DSA Program

Have an upcoming Domestic Study Away program?

Please complete the DSA Program Submission Form to provide us with the information we need to create the program in Via Global and facilitate student registration.

Minimally, the form requires:

  • College sponsor
  • Contact
  • Program title
  • Term offered (with dates)
  • Location
  • Program description for the Via Global page
  • Indication if the program is open to non-MSU students

Additional information such as transportation, housing and participant roster may also be entered.

Once submitted, the Office for Education Abroad will follow up with the Program Contact(s) listed on the form with next steps.

Important Considerations


Basic Package

Comprehensive Package

  • NEW PROGRAMS: For new programs, applicants should contact the Office for Education Abroad 12 months prior to departure to ensure the full range of services can be accommodated.
  • REPEAT PROGRAMS: For existing/repeat DSA programs, applicants should contact the Office for Education Abroad 6 months prior to departure to begin facilitation of services.

Participant Roster

Once you have a list of accepted/committed participants, please send a roster to the Erin Kunert including the students first and last name and their email address.

If you are using Via Global to manage your application process, you do not need to provide a roster.


If you are looking for assistance booking travel, StudentUniverse is the preferred travel agency for student travel at Michigan State University. They provide discounted flights, hotels, and tours, and offer 24/7 emergency support, working closely with MSU’s Office for Global Health, Safety and Security.

Note: If program details change from the initial DSA Program Submission, please be sure to update the full DSA Submission form and roster of accepted student participants.

Questions or concerns can be directed to Erin Kunert, Global Learning Coordinator.
