International Studies & Programs

Contact Us

Office for Education Abroad
Michigan State University
International Center
427 N. Shaw Lane Rm 109
East Lansing, MI 48824
Tel: 517-353-8920
Fax: 517-432-2082
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Back to Directory Elizabeth Wandschneider Senior Assistant Director, Finances and Operational Management Office for Education Abroad

110 International Center


Biography: Elizabeth Wandschneider is the Senior Assistant Director and oversees all financial activity for the office as well as its daily operational strategy. Elizabeth has taught in five different universities and published on data collection issues around post-program student evaluations. She has presented at numerous regional and national/international conferences on topics ranging from group dynamics in education abroad programs to exchange agreements. In addition, Elizabeth is certified to administer both the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) and the Beliefs, Events and Values Inventory (BEVI). Born and raised in Nova Scotia, Canada, Elizabeth's international experiences began as a high-school student in 1982, when she was awarded a month-long trip to Germany through a competitive worldwide competition organized by the PAD (Pädagogischer Austauschdienst). She received her PhD in German Language and Literature from Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario in 1995 and moved to East Lansing in 2000.
