International Studies & Programs

Fellow students and professor made the program special

I loved that our professor was from Greece and had so much information and insight to share with us.

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Published: Monday, 10 Feb 2025 Author: Alyssa Cogan

Alyssa taking a selfie up on a mountain overlooking a town in GreeceDuring my time in Greece, I learned a lot about myself, the country, and my program. Before this program I never comprehended what people met when they said this would be the best experience of my life, until I came back home and reflected on my time abroad.

Academically, I have been able to learn in a new atmosphere and work with international students.

Personally, I feel like I have gained so much from this experience, whether that is the 27 lifelong friends I have acquired, or the unforgettable memories I now possess.

This experience has opened a new perspective on different cultures, schooling in a different country, and archeological sites that I never had beforehand. By truly immersing yourself in a new culture and environment, you are able to fully embrace a new lifestyle and that is what we did. We learned in a new environment, we met new people and explored so many different places.

Although I know other students have taken the same study abroad program, I personally feel that each one is unique to the people who are with you along the journey. A lot of the memories and experiences we had were as a group and the group you are with can completely alter your experience. I was extremely lucky in the fact that my entire group did Group of MSU students holding a Spartan flag in front of a Spartan statue in Greeceeverything together, made new connections, and chose to explore new islands and communities together.

I chose this program for the number of credits, the duration, time period, and due to the fact that it was faculty led. We were able to accomplish a large amount in the time we had abroad, and we traveled almost every week. I loved that our professor was from Greece and had so much information and insight to share with us. It made it a unique experience, and something I will cherish and look back on forever.

Name: Alyssa Cogan
Status: Senior
Major: Environmental Studies and Sustainability
Hometown: Brighton, Michigan
Program: Business Law, Ethics, and Sustainability in the Global Market in Greece
